I recently posted on here about how I was searching for some visual references to use for drawing The Planter…
Today, I laid out the first page of the graphic novel, and started sketching some ideas for each panel. Before…
The Unsung Superheroes Instagram page just launched at https://www.instagram.com/unsungsuperheroes/ Search for the username: @unsungsuperheroes and give it a follow! That’s…
Some quick sketches I did yesterday of a young Robert Smalls. Just warm-up sketches for when I start drawing the…
At pretty much exactly the same time as I started this project to create a graphic novel about Robert Smalls,…
I mentioned before that I started this project to create a graphic novel about Robert Smalls’ life based on a…
I’m creating a graphic novel about Robert Smalls but why? Why am I creating a Robert Smalls graphic novel? Why…
This is the Unsung Superheroes blog! Here, I’ll be posting thoughts, things I’ve done, and things I’ve found as I…