Sorry for the little break. Life has somehow been a little hectic recently including my birthday and my car finally giving up the ghost while I was trying to celebrate my birthday with a week away in Cornwall! (I didn’t make it to Cornwall 🙁 )
BUT!… I’ve actually nearly completed the next page now. I thought I’d let you lovely Patrons in on how it’s progressing.
These are Beaufort – Page 5 – 1st Roughs. You’ll notice that the third panel is a lot more than pencils. That’s because I wanted McKee’s exit to be framed very much like his entrance from a couple of pages back. The easiest way to do this was to reuse the background from that previous panel, and simply remove McKee from it and redraw him leaving. Ahhh – the joy of working digitally!
I’ve also turned off a lot of the layers with lighting effects and various other layers to make the redrawing process simpler. I can turn them on later in proceedings and tweak them to fit the new McKee drawing.