Big thanks to Bethany Johnson who just became my newest Patron. I’m so very grateful!
I see that she has her own Patreon as well called “Opalescent Art”, creating visual art and poetry so if that sounds like your sort of thing and you’d like to help support her, head over to,

In other news, I’ll be posting the latest page of the Robert Smalls project on this website tomorrow so check the homepage then!
If you can’t wait until then, my Patrons already have access to it as all Patrons receive early-access to all completed pages so consider signing up as a Patron.
Unsung Superheroes is an ongoing project, creating graphic novels based on the stories of real-life historical figures whose stories may not be as well-known as they could be.
New pages are added to the current story on the Homepage.
If you would like to help support this project financially, please consider signing up to my Patreon. For less than the price of a cup of coffee per new page created, you can become a Patron of the Arts and help keep this project going. There’s no minimum sign-up period. You can stop at any time.
Also available is the opportunity for you to appear as a character in the novel.
I’m donating 10% of all pledges to Anti-Slavery International to help them in their efforts to stop modern-day slavery and human trafficking.